Textile and Leather Sector Final Consumption of Heat

This key economic indicator for the Leather sector has been recently updated.

  1. Portugal was up 3.6% of Textile and Leather Sector Final Consumption of Heat in 2019, compared to a year earlier.
  2. Since 2014 Bulgaria Textile and Leather Sector Final Consumption of Heat was up 11.9% year on year reaching 137.99 Gigawatthours.
  3. In 2019 Ukraine was number 3 in Textile and Leather Sector Final Consumption of Heat.
  4. In 2019 Belgium was ranked number 21 in Textile and Leather Sector Final Consumption of Heat close to 4.72 Gigawatthours, compared to 24 in 2018.

Top Countries in Textile and Leather Sector Final Consumption of Heat

Source: European Commission

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