Global Trends, Statistics and Insights for Materials

  1. In 2019, Case Materials Production in China rose 3.6% from a year earlier.
  2. Since 2014 China Case Materials Import was up 18.9% year on year at $1,362,548 Thousand.
  3. In 2019 Switzerland was number 1 in Total Materials Productivity.
  4. In 2019 Austria was number 10 in Materials Recovery Production Value totalising €1,166.3 Million, compared to 11 in 2018.

Production Data (10 results)

Case Materials Production
83 countries compared Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Materials Recovery Production Value
31 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Artificial Guts, of Hardened Proteins or Cellulosic Materials
29 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Recovery of Sorted Materials Production Value
26 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Interchangeable Tools in Other Materials
15 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Manufactures of Straw, of Esparto or of Other Plaiting Materials, Basket Ware and Wickerwork
11 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Brooms and Brushes of Vegetable Materials, Bound Together
10 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Rubber Hose Reinforced or Combined with Other Materials
10 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Non-Electronic Machines and Appliances for Testing the Mechanical Properties of Materials
8 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Seats of Cane, Osier, Bamboo or Similar Materials
4 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Show 6 additional results

Import/Export Data (24 results)

Case Materials Import
189 countries compared Thousand US Dollars Annual until 2019
Agricultural Raw Materials Exports
166 countries compared Percent of Goods Exports Annual until 2019
Agricultural Raw Materials Imports
166 countries compared Percent of Goods Exports Annual until 2019
Import of Products of Non-Vegetable Plaiting Materials
159 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Case Materials Export
155 countries compared Thousand US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Products of Non-Vegetable Plaiting Materials
99 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Brooms and Brushes of Vegetable Materials, Bound Together
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Non-Electronic Machines and Appliances for Testing the Mechanical Properties of Materials
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Non-Electronic Machines and Appliances for Testing the Mechanical Properties of Materials
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Interchangeable Tools in Other Materials
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Manufactures of Straw, of Esparto or of Other Plaiting Materials, Basket Ware and Wickerwork
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Manufactures of Straw, of Esparto or of Other Plaiting Materials, Basket Ware and Wickerwork
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
EU Export of Seats of Cane, Osier, Bamboo or Similar Materials
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Interchangeable Tools in Other Materials
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Rubber Hose Reinforced or Combined with Other Materials
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Artificial Guts, of Hardened Proteins or Cellulosic Materials
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Rubber Hose Reinforced or Combined with Other Materials
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
EU Import of Seats of Cane, Osier, Bamboo or Similar Materials
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Artificial Guts, of Hardened Proteins or Cellulosic Materials
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Brooms and Brushes of Vegetable Materials, Bound Together
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Products of Non-Vegetable Plaiting Materials
12 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Products of Non-Vegetable Plaiting Materials
5 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Raw Vegetable Materials for Dyeing or Tanning
2 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2017
Import of Raw Vegetable Materials for Dyeing or Tanning
2 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Show 20 additional results

Other Data (45 results)

Total Materials Productivity
160 countries compared US Dollars Per Kilogram Annual until 2019
Share of Scientific Publications Among the World's 10% Top-Cited Publications in Materials Science
120 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Share of Scientific Publications Involving International Collaboration in Materials Science
120 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Number of Scientific Publications in Materials Science
120 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Share of Corresponding/Leading Author in Scientific Publications in Mechanics of Materials
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Share of Corresponding/Leading Author in Scientific Publications in Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Total Number of Scientific Publications in Materials Science
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Share of Scientific Publications Involving International Collaboration in Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Total Number of 10% Top-Cited Scientific Publications in Mechanics of Materials
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Total Number of 10% Top-Cited Scientific Publications in Materials Chemistry
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Total Number of Scientific Publications in Mechanics of Materials
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Total Number of Scientific Publications in Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Share of Corresponding/Leading Author in Scientific Publications in Materials Chemistry
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Total Number of 10% Top-Cited Scientific Publications in Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Share of Scientific Publications Involving International Collaboration in Materials Chemistry
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Share of Scientific Publications Among the World's 10% Top-Cited Publications in Materials Chemistry
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Total Number of Scientific Publications in Materials Chemistry
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Total Number of 10% Top-Cited Scientific Publications in Materials Science
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Number of Scientific Publications Among the World's 10% Top-Cited Publications in Materials Science
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Share of Corresponding/Leading Author in Scientific Publications in Materials Science
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Share of Scientific Publications Among the World's 10% Top-Cited Publications in Mechanics of Materials
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Share of Scientific Publications Involving International Collaboration in Mechanics of Materials
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Share of Scientific Publications Among the World's 10% Top-Cited Publications in Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Materials for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling HICP
34 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Materials Recovery Number of Enterprises
33 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Materials Recovery Number of Persons Employed
32 countries compared Units (Employees) Annual until 2019
Materials Recovery Turnover
32 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Materials Recovery Wages and Salaries
32 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Materials Recovery Turnover Per Employee
32 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Stationery and Drawing Materials HICP
31 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Materials Recovery Labour Cost Per Employee FTE
30 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Materials Recovery Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE
30 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Recovery of Sorted Materials Number of Enterprises
29 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Share of Households with Spendings on Stationery and Drawing Materials
27 countries compared Percent of Households Annual until 2015
Share of Households with Spendings on Materials for the Maintenance and Repair of the Dwelling
27 countries compared Percent of Households Annual until 2015
Recovery of Sorted Materials Wages and Salaries
26 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Recovery of Sorted Materials Turnover
26 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Recovery of Sorted Materials Number of Persons Employed
26 countries compared Units (Employees) Annual until 2019
Recovery of Sorted Materials Labour Cost Per Employee FTE
25 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Recovery of Sorted Materials Turnover Per Employee
25 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Materials Recovery Hours Worked
25 countries compared Hours Annual until 2019
Recovery of Sorted Materials Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE
25 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Recovery of Sorted Materials Hours Worked
20 countries compared Hours Annual until 2019
Number of High Growth Enterprises in Materials Recovery
11 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Number of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in Materials Recovery
8 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Show 41 additional results

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