Australian Consumption Stats
- 1960: Alcohol consumption - Litres per capita by population aged above 15 in 1960. Data not available for United Kingdom, South Korea or Mexico.
- 1970: Alcohol consumption - Litres per capita by population aged above 15 in 1970. Data not available for Greece, South Korea or Mexico.
- 1980: Alcohol consumption - Litres per capita by population aged above 15 in 1980. Data not available for South Korea.
- 1990: Alcohol consumption - Litres per capita by population aged above 15 in 1990.
- 2000: Alcohol consumption - Litres per capita by population aged above 15 in 2000.
- Current: Alcohol consumption - Litres per capita by population aged above 15. (Data for 2003).
Did you know
- Australians are the most likely to join charities, educational organizations, environmental groups, professional organizations, sports groups and unions. But only three percent join political parties.
- Australians lead the world in hours worked and membership in many voluntary organizations. How do they find the energy?