Sub-Saharan Africa Compared by Military > Expenditures > Dollar figure per capita
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- Dollar figure per capita
Current military expenditures in US dollars; the figure is calculated by multiplying the estimated defense spending in percentage terms by the gross domestic product (GDP) calculated on an exchange rate basis not purchasing power parity (PPP) terms. Dollar figures for military expenditures should be treated with caution because of different price patterns and accounting methods among nations, as well as wide variations in the strength of their currencies. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
Interesting observations about Military > Expenditures > Dollar figure per capita
- Equatorial Guinea ranked first for expenditures > dollar figure per capita amongst Sub-Saharan Africa in 2004.
- Kuwait ranked first for expenditures > dollar figure per capita amongst Hot countries in 2004.
- Norway ranked first for expenditures > dollar figure per capita amongst Christian countries in 2003.
- Israel ranked first for expenditures > dollar figure per capita globally in 2003.
- Iraq ranked first for expenditures > dollar figure per capita amongst Failed states in 2000.
- France ranked first for expenditures > dollar figure per capita amongst Catholic countries in 2003.
- Saudi Arabia ranked second for expenditures > dollar figure per capita amongst Muslim countries in 2002.
- Lebanon ranked first for expenditures > dollar figure per capita amongst Former French colonies in 2002.
- Luxembourg ranked first for expenditures > dollar figure per capita amongst Landlocked countries in 2003.
- All of the top 2 countries by expenditures > dollar figure per capita are Middle East and North African.