Global Trends, Statistics and Insights for Plastic

  1. United Kingdom Plastics Products Production Value rose 1.9% in 2019, compared to a year earlier.
  2. Since 2014 Poland Plastics Products Turnover jumped by 7.1% year on year at €19,426.2 Million.
  3. In 2019 Germany was ranked number 1 in Import of Self-Adhesive Plastic in Rolls of a Width Not Exceeding 20 Cm.

Production Data (54 results)

Plastics Products Production Value
33 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Plastics Products Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE
31 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Builders’ Plastic Wares
31 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Builders Ware of Plastic Production Value
30 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Plastic Plates, Sheets, Tubes and Profiles Production Value
30 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Builders Ware of Plastic Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE
28 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Builder's Fittings and Mountings Intended for Permanent Installation of Plastics
25 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Injection or Compression Type Moulds for Rubber or Plastics
25 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Production of Plastics in Primary Forms
25 countries compared Kilograms Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Rigid Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Plastics
24 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Plastics Production Value
23 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Baths, Wash-Basins, Lavatory Pans and Covers, Flushing Cisterns of Plastics
23 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil, Tape, Strip and Other Flat Shapes of Plastics Whether or Not in Rolls Exceeding 20 cm Wide
23 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Office or School Supplies of Plastic
22 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Plastics Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE
22 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil, Tapes, Strip and Other Flat Shapes of Plastics
21 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Household Articles and Toilet Articles of Plastics
21 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Moulds for Rubber or Plastics
21 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Machinery for Plastic and Rubber
21 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Parts for Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastics or for Manufacturing Rubber or Plastic Products
20 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Fittings for Furniture, Coachwork or the Like of Plastics
20 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil and Strip of Cellular Plastics
18 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Electrical Insulating Fittings of Plastics
16 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Self-Adhesive Strips of Plastic
16 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil, Tape, Strip and Other Flat Shapes of Plastics in Rolls Not Exceeding 20 cm Wide
15 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Waterproof Footwear with Rubber or Plastic uppers
15 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Woven, Not Welded, Wire Mesh, Grill, Netting and Fencing, Plastic Coated
15 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Spools, Cops, Bobbins and Similar Supports of Plastics
14 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Floor Coverings in Rolls or in Tiles and Wall or Ceiling Coverings of Plastics
13 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Extruders for Working Rubber or Plastics, or for Manufacturing Rubber or Plastic Products
12 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Prefabricated Buildings of Plastics
12 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Rubber Thread and Cord, Textile Covered, Textile Yarn and Strip Impregnated, Coated, Covered or Sheathed with Rubber or Plastics
11 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Town Footwear with Rubber or Plastic Uppers
11 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Anti-Oxidising Preparations and Other Compounds Stabilisers for Rubber or Plastics
10 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Installation Services of Industrial Machinery and Equipment for Plastic and Rubber Production
10 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Statuettes and Other Ornamental Articles of Plastic
10 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Injection-Moulding Machines for Working Rubber or Plastics or for Manufacturing Rubber or Plastic Products
10 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Trunking, Ducting and Cable Trays for Electrical Circuits of Plastics
9 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Perforated Buckets Used to Filter Water at the Entrance to Drains of Plastic
8 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Cutting, Splitting and Peeling Machines for Working Rubber or Plastics or for the Manufacture of Products from These Materials
8 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Plastics Products Production Index
7 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Sold Production of Size Reduction Equipment for Working Rubber or Plastics
7 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Plastics Production Index
7 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Sold Production of Hard Rubber or Plastic Combs, Hair-Slides and the Like
6 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Plastic Plates, Sheets, Tubes and Profiles Production Index
6 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Builders Ware of Plastic Production Index
6 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Sold Production of Compound Plasticisers for Rubber or Plastics
5 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Headgear of Rubber or Plastic (Excluding Safety Headgear)
5 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Related Non-Environmental Protection Output in Waste Management in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
5 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Related Non-Environmental Protection Output in All Environmental Protection Activities in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
5 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Mixers, Kneaders and Agitators for Preparing Rubber or Plastics
4 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Environmental Protection Related Ancillary Output in Noise and Vibration Abatement in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
3 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Production of Plastic Foam Products
2 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Environmental Protection Related Ancillary Output in Research and Development in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
2 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2017
Show 50 additional results

Demand Data (37 results)

Plastics Products Turnover
33 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Plastics Products Turnover Per Employee
32 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Packing Goods
31 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Doors, Windows and Their Frames and Thresholds for Doors
31 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Builders Ware of Plastic Turnover Per Employee
30 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Builders Ware of Plastic Turnover
30 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Plates, Sheets, Tubes and Profiles
29 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Boxes, Cases, Crates
29 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Articles for the Conveyance or Packaging of Goods
29 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Reservoirs, Tanks, Vats, Intermediate Bulk and Similar Containers
28 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil and Strip
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Shutters and Blinds
26 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastics in Primary Forms
26 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Parts and Accessories for Land Vehicles
26 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Stoppers, Lids, Caps, Capsules and Other Closures
24 countries compared Euros Annual until 2018
Sold Production of Plastic Parts for Machinery and Mechanical Appliances
23 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Plastics Turnover Per Employee
23 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Sacks and Bags
23 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Plastics Turnover
23 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Parts for Lamps, Lighting Fittings and Illuminated Signs and Name-Plates
22 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Coating of Metals
22 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Baths, Shower-Baths, Sinks and Wash-Basins
21 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Fittings for Furniture, Coachwork or the Like
20 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Parts for Electrical Machinery and Equipment, Sound Recorders and Reproducers, Television Image and Sound Recorders and Reproducers
20 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Tubes, Pipes and Hoses
19 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Individual Artificial Teeth
19 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Floor, Wall or Ceiling Coverings, in Rolls or in the Form of Tiles
18 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Parts for Optical, Photographic, Cinematographic, Measuring, Checking, Precision, Medical or Surgical Instruments and Apparatus
18 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastics Furniture
17 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Articles of Apparel and Clothing Accessories
15 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Bidets, Lavatory Pans, Flushing Cisterns and Similar Sanitary Ware
15 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Parts for Locomotives or Rolling Stock, Railway or Tramway Track Fixtures and Fittings, Mechanical Signalling, Safety or Traffic Control Equipment
12 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Lavatory Seats and Covers
10 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Parts for Turntables, Record Players, Cassette-Players, Magnetic Tape Recorders, Other Sound or Video Recording or Reproducing Apparatus
9 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Frames and Mountings for Spectacles, Goggles or the Like
9 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Plastic Parts for Aircraft and Spacecraft
8 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Shipments of Plastic Foam Products
2 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Show 33 additional results

Import/Export Data (278 results)

Import of Self-Adhesive Plastic in Rolls of a Width Not Exceeding 20 Cm
163 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Flexible Vinyl Polymer
163 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Baths, Shower-Baths and Wash Basins of Plastics
163 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Lavatory Seats and Covers of Plastics
163 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Apparel and Clothing Accessories
163 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Headgear of Rubber or Plastic - Source UN Stats
163 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Household, Toilet Articles Not Table, Kitchen
163 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Reservoirs, Tanks, Vats of Capacity Less Than 300L
163 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Stoppers, Lids, Caps and Other Closures
163 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Boxes, Cases, Crates of Plastic
163 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film, Plastic in Rolls of a Width Exceeding 20 Cm
163 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Cellular Plastic Sheet, Film, Foil or Strip of Plastics
163 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Office and School Articles and Supplies
163 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polymers of Propylene
163 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Table and Kitchen Ware
163 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sacks and Bags Other Than of Polymers of Ethylen
163 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polymers of Ethylene
163 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Fittings for Furniture, Coachwork
162 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sacks and Bags of Polymers of Ethylen
162 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Statuettes and Other Ornamental Articles
162 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Doors and Windows and Frames Thereof
162 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Shutters and Blinds (Including Venetian)
161 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Boxes, Cases, Crates of Plastic
160 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Cellular Sheet of Polymers of Styrene
160 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Spools, Cops, Bobbins and Similar Supports
160 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Cellular Sheet of Polyurethane
159 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced Polymers of Styrene
158 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Cellular Sheet of Polymers of Vinyl Chloride
157 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polyethylene Terephthal
156 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Table and Kitchen Ware
156 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polymethyl Methacrylate
155 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Household, Toilet Articles Not Table, Kitchen
155 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Sacks and Bags Other Than of Polymers of Ethylen
152 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polycarbonates
152 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Sacks and Bags of Polymers of Ethylen
151 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Self-Adhesive Plastic in Rolls of a Width Not Exceeding 20 Cm
151 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Office and School Articles and Supplies
148 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Cellular Sheet of Regenerated Cellulose
147 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polyvinyl Butyral
147 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film, Plastic in Rolls of a Width Exceeding 20 Cm
146 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Reservoirs, Tanks, Vats of Capacity Less Than 300L
146 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polyamides
144 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Stoppers, Lids, Caps and Other Closures
143 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Regenerated Cellulose
142 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Cellular Plastic Sheet, Film, Foil or Strip of Plastics
141 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Apparel and Clothing Accessories
140 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Statuettes and Other Ornamental Articles
137 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Unsaturated Polyesters
136 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Phenolic Resins
133 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Cellulose Acetate
131 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polymers of Ethylene
131 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Baths, Shower-Baths and Wash Basins of Plastics
128 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Doors and Windows and Frames Thereof
127 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Flexible Vinyl Polymer
125 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polymers of Propylene
123 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Fittings for Furniture, Coachwork
122 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Shutters and Blinds (Including Venetian)
119 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Lavatory Seats and Covers of Plastics
119 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Spools, Cops, Bobbins and Similar Supports
114 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Headgear of Rubber or Plastic - Source UN Stats
113 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Cellular Sheet of Polymers of Styrene
112 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Amino-Resins
112 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Cellular Sheet of Polyurethane
112 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polyethylene Terephthal
106 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Cellular Sheet of Polymers of Vinyl Chloride
105 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced Polymers of Styrene
104 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Rubber and Plastic Products Exports
98 countries compared Indexes, Laspeyres Annual until 2017
Rubber and Plastic Products Imports
98 countries compared Indexes, Laspeyres Annual until 2017
Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polycarbonates
93 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polymethyl Methacrylate
86 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polyvinyl Butyral
82 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polyamides
82 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Cellular Sheet of Regenerated Cellulose
81 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Regenerated Cellulose
78 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Unsaturated Polyesters
69 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Phenolic Resins
62 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Cellulose Acetate
62 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Amino-Resins
49 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Boxes, Cases, Crates of Plastic
46 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Plastic Household, Toilet Articles Not Table, Kitchen
43 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Sacks and Bags Other Than of Polymers of Ethylen
43 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Plastic Table and Kitchen Ware
42 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Sacks and Bags of Polymers of Ethylen
42 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Self-Adhesive Plastic in Rolls of a Width Not Exceeding 20 Cm
40 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Cellular Plastic Sheet, Film, Foil or Strip of Plastics
38 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film, Plastic in Rolls of a Width Exceeding 20 Cm
38 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Plastic Office and School Articles and Supplies
38 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Plastic Stoppers, Lids, Caps and Other Closures
36 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Plastic Apparel and Clothing Accessories
34 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Plastic Reservoirs, Tanks, Vats of Capacity Less Than 300L
33 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Plastic Statuettes and Other Ornamental Articles
31 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polymers of Ethylene
31 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Flexible Vinyl Polymer
30 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Plastics Waste Extra-EU28 Imports
28 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Plastics Waste Intra-EU28 Imports
28 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Plastics Waste Intra-EU28 Exports
28 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Baths, Shower-Baths and Wash Basins of Plastics
28 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Lavatory Seats and Covers of Plastics
28 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Plastics Waste Exports
28 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Plastics Waste Extra-EU28 Exports
28 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Stoppers, Lids, Caps, Capsules and Other Closures
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2018
Import of Spools, Cops, Bobbins and Similar Supports of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Boxes, Cases, Crates
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Sacks and Bags
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Doors, Windows and Their Frames and Thresholds for Doors
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Boxes, Cases, Crates
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Frames and Mountings for Spectacles, Goggles or the Like
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Plastics Waste Exports Extra-EU27 (2020)
27 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Packing Goods
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Waterproof Footwear with Rubber or Plastic uppers
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil, Tape, Strip and Other Flat Shapes of Plastics in Rolls Not Exceeding 20 cm Wide
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Rigid Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Rubber Thread and Cord, Textile Covered, Textile Yarn and Strip Impregnated, Coated, Covered or Sheathed with Rubber or Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Cutting, Splitting and Peeling Machines for Working Rubber or Plastics or for the Manufacture of Products from These Materials
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Headgear of Rubber or Plastic (Excluding Safety Headgear)
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil and Strip of Cellular Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Bidets, Lavatory Pans, Flushing Cisterns and Similar Sanitary Ware
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Town Footwear with Rubber or Plastic Uppers
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Articles for the Conveyance or Packaging of Goods
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
EU Export of Electrical Insulating Fittings of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Fittings for Furniture, Coachwork or the Like
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Builders’ Plastic Wares
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastics in Primary Forms
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Plastics Waste Imports Intra-EU27 (2020)
27 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Moulds for Rubber or Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil and Strip
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Packing Goods
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Parts for Lamps, Lighting Fittings and Illuminated Signs and Name-Plates
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Injection or Compression Type Moulds for Rubber or Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Articles of Apparel and Clothing Accessories
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Household Articles and Toilet Articles of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Builder's Fittings and Mountings Intended for Permanent Installation of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Hard Rubber or Plastic Combs, Hair-Slides and the Like
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Injection-Moulding Machines for Working Rubber or Plastics or for Manufacturing Rubber or Plastic Products
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Floor Coverings in Rolls or in Tiles and Wall or Ceiling Coverings of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Fittings for Furniture, Coachwork or the Like of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Articles for the Conveyance or Packaging of Goods
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Woven, Not Welded, Wire Mesh, Grill, Netting and Fencing, Plastic Coated
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil, Tape, Strip and Other Flat Shapes of Plastics Whether or Not in Rolls Exceeding 20 cm Wide
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Size Reduction Equipment for Working Rubber or Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Frames and Mountings for Spectacles, Goggles or the Like
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Extruders for Working Rubber or Plastics, or for Manufacturing Rubber or Plastic Products
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil, Tape, Strip and Other Flat Shapes of Plastics in Rolls Not Exceeding 20 cm Wide
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Hard Rubber or Plastic Combs, Hair-Slides and the Like
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Perforated Buckets Used to Filter Water at the Entrance to Drains of Plastic
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Parts for Lamps, Lighting Fittings and Illuminated Signs and Name-Plates
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Office or School Supplies of Plastic
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Anti-Oxidising Preparations and Other Compounds Stabilisers for Rubber or Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil and Strip of Cellular Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Parts for Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastics or for Manufacturing Rubber or Plastic Products
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Shutters and Blinds
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Reservoirs, Tanks, Vats, Intermediate Bulk and Similar Containers
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastics in Primary Forms
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Perforated Buckets Used to Filter Water at the Entrance to Drains of Plastic
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil, Tapes, Strip and Other Flat Shapes of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Builders’ Plastic Wares
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Baths, Shower-Baths, Sinks and Wash-Basins
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Statuettes and Other Ornamental Articles of Plastic
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Stoppers, Lids, Caps, Capsules and Other Closures
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2018
Export of Floor Coverings in Rolls or in Tiles and Wall or Ceiling Coverings of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Moulds for Rubber or Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Baths, Shower-Baths, Sinks and Wash-Basins
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Mixers, Kneaders and Agitators for Preparing Rubber or Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
EU Import of Electrical Insulating Fittings of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Baths, Wash-Basins, Lavatory Pans and Covers, Flushing Cisterns of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Fittings for Furniture, Coachwork or the Like of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Headgear of Rubber or Plastic (Excluding Safety Headgear)
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Household Articles and Toilet Articles of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Self-Adhesive Strips of Plastic
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Compound Plasticisers for Rubber or Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Lavatory Seats and Covers
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Sacks and Bags
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Statuettes and Other Ornamental Articles of Plastic
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Shutters and Blinds
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Tubes, Pipes and Hoses
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Parts for Machinery for Working Rubber or Plastics or for Manufacturing Rubber or Plastic Products
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Rigid Tubes, Pipes and Hoses of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Individual Artificial Teeth
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Town Footwear with Rubber or Plastic Uppers
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Plastics Waste Imports Extra-EU27 (2020)
27 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Self-Adhesive Strips of Plastic
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Reservoirs, Tanks, Vats, Intermediate Bulk and Similar Containers
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Plastics Waste Exports Intra-EU27 (2020)
27 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Rubber Thread and Cord, Textile Covered, Textile Yarn and Strip Impregnated, Coated, Covered or Sheathed with Rubber or Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Tubes, Pipes and Hoses
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Extruders for Working Rubber or Plastics, or for Manufacturing Rubber or Plastic Products
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Spools, Cops, Bobbins and Similar Supports of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Floor, Wall or Ceiling Coverings, in Rolls or in the Form of Tiles
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Articles of Apparel and Clothing Accessories
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Fittings for Furniture, Coachwork or the Like
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Cutting, Splitting and Peeling Machines for Working Rubber or Plastics or for the Manufacture of Products from These Materials
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil and Strip
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Trunking, Ducting and Cable Trays for Electrical Circuits of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Builder's Fittings and Mountings Intended for Permanent Installation of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastic Plates, Sheets, Tubes and Profiles
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Machinery for Plastic and Rubber
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Doors, Windows and Their Frames and Thresholds for Doors
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Injection-Moulding Machines for Working Rubber or Plastics or for Manufacturing Rubber or Plastic Products
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Machinery for Plastic and Rubber
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Plastic Fittings for Furniture, Coachwork
27 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Baths, Wash-Basins, Lavatory Pans and Covers, Flushing Cisterns of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil, Tapes, Strip and Other Flat Shapes of Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastics Furniture
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Waterproof Footwear with Rubber or Plastic uppers
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Injection or Compression Type Moulds for Rubber or Plastics
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Office or School Supplies of Plastic
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Floor, Wall or Ceiling Coverings, in Rolls or in the Form of Tiles
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Plates, Sheets, Tubes and Profiles
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil, Tape, Strip and Other Flat Shapes of Plastics Whether or Not in Rolls Exceeding 20 cm Wide
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Plastics Furniture
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Bidets, Lavatory Pans, Flushing Cisterns and Similar Sanitary Ware
26 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Woven, Not Welded, Wire Mesh, Grill, Netting and Fencing, Plastic Coated
26 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Anti-Oxidising Preparations and Other Compounds Stabilisers for Rubber or Plastics
26 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Trunking, Ducting and Cable Trays for Electrical Circuits of Plastics
26 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polymers of Propylene
26 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Compound Plasticisers for Rubber or Plastics
26 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Size Reduction Equipment for Working Rubber or Plastics
25 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Individual Artificial Teeth
25 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Mixers, Kneaders and Agitators for Preparing Rubber or Plastics
25 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Plastic Lavatory Seats and Covers
25 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Plastic Doors and Windows and Frames Thereof
24 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Plastic Shutters and Blinds (Including Venetian)
23 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Boxes, Cases, Crates of Plastic
23 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Cellular Sheet of Polyurethane
23 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Cellular Sheet of Polymers of Vinyl Chloride
22 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Plastic Stoppers, Lids, Caps and Other Closures
22 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Plastic Spools, Cops, Bobbins and Similar Supports
21 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Cellular Sheet of Polymers of Styrene
21 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Headgear of Rubber or Plastic
20 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polyethylene Terephthal
20 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Sacks and Bags of Polymers of Ethylen
19 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Cellular Plastic Sheet, Film, Foil or Strip of Plastics
19 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Plastic Household, Toilet Articles Not Table, Kitchen
19 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Self-Adhesive Plastic in Rolls of a Width Not Exceeding 20 Cm
19 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Plastic Table and Kitchen Ware
19 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Self-Adhesive Plates, Sheets, Film, Plastic in Rolls of a Width Exceeding 20 Cm
18 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Sacks and Bags Other Than of Polymers of Ethylen
18 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polymers of Propylene
17 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polymers of Ethylene
17 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Flexible Vinyl Polymer
17 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Plastic Reservoirs, Tanks, Vats of Capacity Less Than 300L
16 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polyethylene Terephthal
16 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Plastic Statuettes and Other Ornamental Articles
16 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Plastic Office and School Articles and Supplies
16 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Plastic Apparel and Clothing Accessories
16 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced Polymers of Styrene
15 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Plastic Spools, Cops, Bobbins and Similar Supports
15 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polymethyl Methacrylate
14 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Cellular Sheet of Polyurethane
14 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Plastic Fittings for Furniture, Coachwork
14 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Cellular Sheet of Polymers of Styrene
13 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Plastic Doors and Windows and Frames Thereof
13 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Plastic Shutters and Blinds (Including Venetian)
12 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Baths, Shower-Baths and Wash Basins of Plastics
12 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Cellular Sheet of Polymers of Vinyl Chloride
11 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polycarbonates
11 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polycarbonates
11 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced Polymers of Styrene
10 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polyvinyl Butyral
10 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Headgear of Rubber or Plastic
10 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polymethyl Methacrylate
9 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Lavatory Seats and Covers of Plastics
9 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polyamides
8 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polyamides
7 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Cellular Sheet of Regenerated Cellulose
7 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Polyvinyl Butyral
6 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Phenolic Resins
6 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Cellulose Acetate
6 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Unsaturated Polyesters
5 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Cellulose Acetate
5 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Cellular Sheet of Regenerated Cellulose
4 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Regenerated Cellulose
4 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Regenerated Cellulose
4 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Unsaturated Polyesters
4 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Phenolic Resins
3 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Amino-Resins
3 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Vulcanised Rubber
3 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Sheet or Film Non-Cellular and Not Reinforced of Amino-Resins
3 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Show 274 additional results

Other Data (95 results)

Share of Scientific Publications Involving International Collaboration in Polymers and Plastics
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Share of Scientific Publications Among the World's 10% Top-Cited Publications in Polymers and Plastics
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Share of Corresponding/Leading Author in Scientific Publications in Polymers and Plastics
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Total Number of 10% Top-Cited Scientific Publications in Polymers and Plastics
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Total Number of Scientific Publications in Polymers and Plastics
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Plastics Products Number of Enterprises
34 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing Number of Enterprises
34 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Total Internal R&D Personnel in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products
33 countries compared Units (Full-Time Equivalent) Annual until 2019
Plastics Products Wages and Salaries
33 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Plastics Products Number of Persons Employed
33 countries compared Units (Employees) Annual until 2019
Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing Turnover Per Employee
32 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Total Researchers in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products
32 countries compared Units (Full-Time Equivalent) Annual until 2019
Environmentally Related Tax Revenue from All Environmental Taxes in Manufacturing of Rubber and Plastic Products
32 countries compared Million US Dollars Annual until 2019
Plastic Plates, Sheets, Tubes and Profiles Number of Enterprises
32 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Builders Ware of Plastic Number of Enterprises
32 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing Wages and Salaries
32 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing Number of Persons Employed
32 countries compared Units (Employees) Annual until 2019
Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing Turnover
32 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Environmentally Related Tax Revenue from Taxes on Energy in Manufacturing of Rubber and Plastic Products
31 countries compared Million US Dollars Annual until 2019
Environmentally Related Tax Revenue from Taxes on Transport in Manufacturing of Rubber and Plastic Products
31 countries compared Million US Dollars Annual until 2019
Plastic Plates, Sheets, Tubes and Profiles Number of Persons Employed
31 countries compared Units (Employees) Annual until 2019
Builders Ware of Plastic Number of Persons Employed
31 countries compared Units (Employees) Annual until 2019
Plastics Products Labour Cost Per Employee FTE
31 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Builders Ware of Plastic Wages and Salaries
30 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing Labour Cost Per Employee FTE
30 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Plastic Plates, Sheets, Tubes and Profiles Turnover
30 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Plastic Plates, Sheets, Tubes and Profiles Turnover Per Employee
30 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE
30 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Plastic Plates, Sheets, Tubes and Profiles Wages and Salaries
30 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Plastics Number of Enterprises
29 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Builders Ware of Plastic Labour Cost Per Employee FTE
28 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Plastic Plates, Sheets, Tubes and Profiles Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE
28 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Plastic Plates, Sheets, Tubes and Profiles Labour Cost Per Employee FTE
28 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Number of Persons Employed in Chemical, Rubber, Plastics, Fuel Products and Other Non-metallic Mineral Products
28 countries compared Thousand Units (Persons) Annual until 2019
Number of Persons Employed in Rubber and Plastics Products, and Other Non-metallic Mineral Products
27 countries compared Thousand Units (Persons) Annual until 2019
Number of Persons Employed in Rubber and Plastics Products
27 countries compared Thousand Units (Persons) Annual until 2019
Plastics Products Hours Worked
26 countries compared Hours Annual until 2019
Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing Hours Worked
26 countries compared Hours Annual until 2019
Environmentally Related Tax Revenue from Taxes on Pollution in Manufacturing of Rubber and Plastic Products
26 countries compared Million US Dollars Annual until 2019
Number of Employees in Rubber and Plastics Products, and Other Non-metallic Mineral Products
25 countries compared Thousand Units (Persons) Annual until 2019
Number of Employees in Chemical, Rubber, Plastics, Fuel Products and Other Non-metallic Mineral Products
25 countries compared Thousand Units (Persons) Annual until 2019
Number of Employees in Rubber and Plastics Products
25 countries compared Thousand Units (Persons) Annual until 2019
Plastic Plates, Sheets, Tubes and Profiles Hours Worked
25 countries compared Hours Annual until 2019
Builders Ware of Plastic Hours Worked
25 countries compared Hours Annual until 2019
Plastics Number of Persons Employed
24 countries compared Units (Employees) Annual until 2019
Payments to Sub-contractors in Plastics Products
24 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2017
Number of Self-Employed Persons in Chemical, Rubber, Plastics, Fuel Products and Other Non-metallic Mineral Products
23 countries compared Thousand Units (Persons) Annual until 2019
Plastics Wages and Salaries
23 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing Turnover Index
23 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Payments to Sub-contractors in Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing
23 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2017
Number of Self-Employed Persons in Rubber and Plastics Products, and Other Non-metallic Mineral Products
22 countries compared Thousand Units (Persons) Annual until 2019
Plastics Labour Cost Per Employee FTE
22 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Total Hours Worked in Chemical, Rubber, Plastics, Fuel Products and Other Non-metallic Mineral Products
22 countries compared Million Hours Annual until 2019
Total Hours Worked in Rubber and Plastics Products, and Other Non-metallic Mineral Products
22 countries compared Million Hours Annual until 2019
Plastics Hours Worked
21 countries compared Hours Annual until 2019
Payments to Sub-contractors in Plastic Plates, Sheets, Tubes and Profiles
20 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2017
Payments to Sub-contractors in Builders Ware of Plastic
19 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2017
Female Researchers in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products
19 countries compared Units (Full-Time Equivalent) Annual until 2019
Expenditure on Waste Management in Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing
17 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2016
Total Hours Worked in Rubber and Plastics Products
16 countries compared Million Hours Annual until 2019
Fatal Accidents at Work in Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing
16 countries compared Units (Accidents) Annual until 2019
Expenditure on Wastewater Management in Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing
15 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2016
Payments to Sub-contractors in Plastics
14 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2017
Business Expenditure on R&D in Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing
14 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Expenditure on Protection of Ambient Air and Climate in Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing
14 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2016
Number of Self-Employed Persons in Rubber and Plastics Products
14 countries compared Thousand Units (Persons) Annual until 2019
Share of High Growth Enterprises in the Population of Active Enterprises in Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing
11 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Number of High Growth Enterprises in Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing
11 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Number of High Growth Enterprises in Plastics Products
11 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Environmentally Related Tax Revenue from Taxes on Resources in Manufacturing of Rubber and Plastic Products
11 countries compared Million US Dollars Annual until 2019
Share of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in the Population of Active Enterprises in Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing
9 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Number of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing
9 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Number of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in Plastics Products
9 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Female Internal R&D Personnel in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products
9 countries compared Units (Full-Time Equivalent) Annual until 2019
Employment in Chemical, Rubber, Plastics, Fuel Products and Other Non-metallic Mineral Products
8 countries compared Thousand Units (Full-Time Equivalent) Annual until 2019
Employment in Rubber and Plastics Products
8 countries compared Thousand Units (Full-Time Equivalent) Annual until 2019
Employment in Rubber and Plastics Products, and Other Non-metallic Mineral Products
8 countries compared Thousand Units (Full-Time Equivalent) Annual until 2019
Gross Fixed Capital Formation on Specific Environmental Protection Assets in Wastewater Management in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
7 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Intermediate Consumption in Waste Management in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
5 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Intermediate Consumption in All Environmental Protection Activities in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
5 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Gross Fixed Capital Formation and Acquisition Less Disposals of Non-Produced Non-Financial Assets in Noise and Vibration Abatement in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
4 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Gross Fixed Capital Formation on Specific Environmental Protection Assets in Noise and Vibration Abatement in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
4 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Intermediate Consumption in Wastewater Management in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
4 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Intermediate Consumption in Protection of Ambient Air and Climate in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
4 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Gross Fixed Capital Formation on Cleaner Environmental Protection Assets in Noise and Vibration Abatement in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
3 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Value Added of Rubber and Plastics Products
2 countries compared Million Australian Dollars Annual until 2019
Intermediate Consumption in Noise and Vibration Abatement in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
2 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Inventory of Plastic Foam Products
2 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Gross Fixed Capital Formation and Acquisition Less Disposals of Non-Produced Non-Financial Assets in Protection of Biodiversity and Landscape in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
2 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Intermediate Consumption of Products Other Than Environmental Protection Services in Research and Development in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
2 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2017
Intermediate Consumption in Research and Development in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
2 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2017
Intermediate Consumption of Products Other Than Environmental Protection Services in Noise and Vibration Abatement in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
2 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Compensation of Employees in Noise and Vibration Abatement in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
2 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Gross Fixed Capital Formation on Specific Environmental Protection Assets in Protection of Biodiversity and Landscape in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
2 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Consumption of Fixed Capital in Noise and Vibration Abatement in Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products by the Business Sector
2 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Show 91 additional results

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