Mining and Quarrying Turnover Index
34 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Mining and Quarrying Number of Enterprises
34 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Mining and Quarrying Turnover
33 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Mining and Quarrying Number of Persons Employed
33 countries compared |
Units (Employees) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Mining and Quarrying Wages and Salaries
33 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Mining and Quarrying Inward FDI Stocks
32 countries compared |
Million US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Mining and Quarrying Turnover Per Employee
32 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Mining and Quarrying Labour Cost Per Employee FTE
31 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Environmentally Related Tax Revenue from All Environmental Taxes in Mining and Quarrying
31 countries compared |
Million US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Mining and Quarrying Producer Price Index
28 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Persons Employed in Mining and Quarrying
28 countries compared |
Thousand Units (Persons) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Total Internal R&D Personnel in Mining and Quarrying
28 countries compared |
Units (Full-Time Equivalent) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Fatal Accidents at Work in Mining and Quarrying
27 countries compared |
Units (Accidents) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Mining and Quarrying Inward FDI Flows
27 countries compared |
Million US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Mining and Quarrying Hours Worked
27 countries compared |
Hours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Total Researchers in Mining and Quarrying
27 countries compared |
Units (Full-Time Equivalent) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Mining and Quarrying Outward FDI Stocks
27 countries compared |
Million US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Employees in Mining and Quarrying
25 countries compared |
Thousand Units (Persons) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Mining and Quarrying Outward FDI Flows
25 countries compared |
Million US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Environmentally Related Tax Revenue from Taxes on Pollution in Mining and Quarrying
24 countries compared |
Million US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Mining and Quarrying FDI Income Receipts
24 countries compared |
Million US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Total Hours Worked in Mining and Quarrying
23 countries compared |
Million Hours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Heat Final Consumption in Mining and Quarrying
20 countries compared |
Gigawatthours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Mining and Quarrying Sector Final Consumption of Heat
20 countries compared |
Gigawatthours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Fresh Surface and Groundwater Abstraction in Mining and Quarrying Sector
18 countries compared |
Cubic Meters Per Capita |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Fresh Surface Water Abstraction in Mining and Quarrying Sector
18 countries compared |
Cubic Meters Per Capita |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Environmentally Related Tax Revenue from Taxes on Resources in Mining and Quarrying
17 countries compared |
Million US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Freshwater Abstractions for Mining and Quarrying
16 countries compared |
Million Cubic Meters |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Fresh Groundwater Abstraction in Mining and Quarrying Sector
16 countries compared |
Cubic Meters Per Capita |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Female Researchers in Mining and Quarrying
14 countries compared |
Units (Full-Time Equivalent) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Fresh Surface Water Abstractions for Mining and Quarrying
14 countries compared |
Million Cubic Meters |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Fresh Ground Water Abstractions for Mining and Quarrying
14 countries compared |
Million Cubic Meters |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Expenditure on Wastewater Management in Mining and Quarrying
13 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2016 |
Business Expenditure on R&D in Mining and Quarrying
11 countries compared |
Euros Per Capita |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of High Growth Enterprises in Mining and Quarrying
11 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Share of High Growth Enterprises in the Population of Active Enterprises in Mining and Quarrying
11 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Self-Employed Persons in Mining and Quarrying
11 countries compared |
Thousand Units (Persons) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Expenditure on Protection of Ambient Air and Climate in Mining and Quarrying
10 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2016 |
Number of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in Mining and Quarrying
9 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Share of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in the Population of Active Enterprises in Mining and Quarrying
9 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Employment in Mining and Quarrying
8 countries compared |
Thousand Units (Full-Time Equivalent) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Intermediate Consumption in All Environmental Protection Activities in Mining and Quarrying by the Business Sector
7 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Gross Fixed Capital Formation on Specific Environmental Protection Assets in Protection of Ambient Air and Climate in Mining and Quarrying by the Business Sector
6 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Gross Fixed Capital Formation on Specific Environmental Protection Assets in Protection of Biodiversity and Landscape in Mining and Quarrying by the Business Sector
6 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Gross Fixed Capital Formation and Acquisition Less Disposals of Non-Produced Non-Financial Assets in Protection of Biodiversity and Landscape in Mining and Quarrying by the Business Sector
6 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Female Internal R&D Personnel in Mining and Quarrying
6 countries compared |
Units (Full-Time Equivalent) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Methane Combustion from Mining and Quarrying
5 countries compared |
Metric Tons of CO2 Equivalent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Biogases Final Consumption in Mining and Quarrying
5 countries compared |
Gigawatthours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Mining and Quarrying Sector Final Consumption of Biogases
5 countries compared |
Terajoules |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Carbon Dioxide Combustion from Mining and Quarrying
5 countries compared |
Metric Tons of CO2 Equivalent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Nitrous Oxide Combustion from Mining and Quarrying
5 countries compared |
Metric Tons of CO2 Equivalent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Gross Fixed Capital Formation on Specific Environmental Protection Assets in Noise and Vibration Abatement in Mining and Quarrying by the Business Sector
4 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Gross Fixed Capital Formation and Acquisition Less Disposals of Non-Produced Non-Financial Assets in Noise and Vibration Abatement in Mining and Quarrying by the Business Sector
4 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Gross Fixed Capital Formation on Cleaner Environmental Protection Assets in Noise and Vibration Abatement in Mining and Quarrying by the Business Sector
4 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Intermediate Consumption in Wastewater Management in Mining and Quarrying by the Business Sector
3 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Intermediate Consumption in Protection of Ambient Air and Climate in Mining and Quarrying by the Business Sector
3 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Mining and Quarrying Sector Final Consumption of Non-Renewable Waste
3 countries compared |
Gigawatthours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Non-Renewable Waste Final Consumption in Mining and Quarrying
3 countries compared |
Gigawatthours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Non-Renewable Industrial Waste Final Consumption in Mining and Quarrying
3 countries compared |
Gigawatthours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Intermediate Consumption in Protection of Biodiversity and Landscape in Mining and Quarrying by the Business Sector
3 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Mining and Quarrying Sector Final Consumption of Non-Renewable Industrial Waste
3 countries compared |
Terajoules |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Value Added of Mining and Quarrying
2 countries compared |
Million Australian Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Peat and Peat Products Final Consumption in Mining and Quarrying
2 countries compared |
Gigawatthours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Compensation of Employees in Noise and Vibration Abatement in Mining and Quarrying by the Business Sector
2 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Intermediate Consumption in Noise and Vibration Abatement in Mining and Quarrying by the Business Sector
2 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Mining and Quarrying Sector Final Consumption of Peat and Peat Products
2 countries compared |
Gigawatthours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Compensation of Employees in Protection of Biodiversity and Landscape in Mining and Quarrying by the Business Sector
2 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Show 63 additional results