Global Trends, Statistics and Insights for Housing

  1. In 2019, General Government Expenditures on Housing and Community Amenities in the US grew 0.5% from a year earlier.
  2. Since 2014 United States Central Government Expenditures on Housing and Community Amenities grew 3.2% year on year to $78,997.7 Million PPP.
  3. In 2019 Japan was ranked number 1 in Local Government Expenditures on Housing and Community Amenities.
  4. In 2017 Greece was number 21 in Government Expenditures on Housing totalising $71.63 Million PPP, jumping from 26 in 2016.

Demand Data (6 results)

General Government Expenditures on Housing and Community Amenities
34 countries compared Million US Dollars PPP Annual until 2019
Central Government Expenditures on Housing and Community Amenities
33 countries compared Million US Dollars PPP Annual until 2019
Local Government Expenditures on Housing and Community Amenities
31 countries compared Million US Dollars PPP Annual until 2019
Government Expenditures on Housing
29 countries compared Million US Dollars PPP Annual until 2019
Household Consumption of Housing
27 countries compared Percent of Net Disposable Income Annual until 2019
State Government Expenditures on Housing and Community Amenities
6 countries compared Million US Dollars PPP Annual until 2019
Show 2 additional results

Other Data (22 results)

Housing Affordability
35 countries compared Percent of Household Income Minus Housing Cost Annual until 2019
Including Housing Household Expenditure
34 countries compared Percent of Household Income Annual until 2019
Housing Rentals HICP
34 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Average Number of Rooms Per Person in Towns and Suburbs
33 countries compared Units (Rooms) Per Capita Annual until 2020
Housing Net Social Protection
33 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Average Number of Rooms Per Person in All Populated Areas
33 countries compared Units (Rooms) Per Capita Annual until 2020
Average Number of Rooms Per Person in Rural Areas
33 countries compared Units (Rooms) Per Capita Annual until 2020
Average Number of Rooms Per Person in Cities
33 countries compared Units (Rooms) Per Capita Annual until 2020
General Government Investment in Housing and Community Amenities
32 countries compared Percent of General Government Investment Annual until 2019
Housing and Community Amenities Expenditure by Central Governement
32 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Central Government Expenditure on Housing and Community Amenities
32 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
General Government Procurement on Housing and Community Amenities
32 countries compared Percent of General Government Procurement Annual until 2019
Household Expenditure on Imputed Rentals for Housing
31 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2020
Household Expenditure on Housing Rentals
31 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2020
Housing Cost Overburden
30 countries compared Percent of Households Devoting More Than 40% of their Income to Housing Costs Annual until 2019
Total Housing Overcrowding
29 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Overcrowding Rate
29 countries compared Percent of Households Annual until 2019
General Government Expenditure on Housing and Community Amenities
27 countries compared Percent of GDP Annual until 2019
Share of Households with Spendings on Housing Rentals
27 countries compared Percent of Households Annual until 2015
Rentals for Housing HICP
27 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2019
Share of Households with Spendings on Imputed Rentals for Housing
24 countries compared Percent of Households Annual until 2015
Housing CPI
22 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Show 18 additional results

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