Global Trends, Statistics and Insights for Environment

  1. Slovenia decreased by 19.7% of Waste Disposal to the Environment Domestic Processed Output (Wastes and Emissions) in 2019, from a year earlier.
  2. Since 2014 Germany Central Government Expenditures on Environment Protection rose 6.8% year on year attaining $9,681.46 Million PPP.
  3. In 2019 Japan was ranked number 1 in Local Government Expenditures on Environment Protection.
  4. In 2019 Mali was number 103 in Development of Environment-Related Technologies at 0.03 Units (Inventions) per Capita, moving from 109 in 2018.

Other Data (11 results)

Total Patents on Environment Technologies
129 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Development of Environment-Related Technologies
123 countries compared Units (Inventions) per Capita Annual until 2019
Number of PCT Patents in Environment-Related Technology
60 countries compared Units (Patents) Annual until 2019
Number of IP5 Patent Families in Environment-Related Technology
58 countries compared Units (Patents) Annual until 2019
Government Budget Appropriations or Outlays for R&D in Environment
57 countries compared Million US Dollars PPP Annual until 2019
Health and Environment Programmes Budget
39 countries compared Percent of Civil GBARD Annual until 2020
Civil Government Budget Allocations for R&D for Health and Environment Programmes
39 countries compared Million US Dollars PPP Annual until 2020
General Government Expenditures on Environment Protection
33 countries compared Million US Dollars PPP Annual until 2019
General Government Procurement on Environment Protection
31 countries compared Percent of General Government Procurement Annual until 2019
General Government Investment in Environment Protection
31 countries compared Percent of General Government Investment Annual until 2019
General Government Expenditure on Environment Protection
26 countries compared Percent of GDP Annual until 2019
Show 7 additional results

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