Global Trends, Statistics and Insights for Computer Hardware

  1. In 2019, Computer Hardware Production Value in Hungary was up 23.5% compared to the previous year.
  2. Since 2014 Czechia Export of Computer Peripherals jumped by 12.5% year on year totalising €402,959,731.72.
  3. In 2019 Germany was number 1 in Computer Hardware Number of Enterprises.
  4. In 2017 France was number 7 in Computer Hardware Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE at €93.3 Thousand, jumping from 23 in 2016.

Other Data (13 results)

Computer Hardware Number of Enterprises
31 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Computer Hardware Number of Persons Employed
28 countries compared Units (Employees) Annual until 2019
Computer Hardware Wages and Salaries
28 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Computer Hardware Turnover
28 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Computer Hardware Turnover Per Employee
27 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Computer Hardware Labour Cost Per Employee FTE
24 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Computer Hardware Hours Worked
23 countries compared Hours Annual until 2019
Computer Hardware Productivity Growth Rate
22 countries compared Percent, Change on Previous Period Annual until 2019
Computer Hardware Productivity Percentage Point Contribution to Capital Growth
22 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Payments to Sub-contractors in Computer Hardware
15 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2017
Business Expenditure on R&D in Computer Hardware Manufacturing
11 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Number of High Growth Enterprises in Computer Hardware
8 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Number of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in Computer Hardware
3 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Show 9 additional results

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