Total Researchers in Manufacture of Medical and Dental Instruments and Supplies

This key economic indicator for the Dental Equipment sector has been recently updated.

  1. Taiwan Total Researchers in Manufacture of Medical and Dental Instruments and Supplies grew 5.3% in 2019, from a year earlier.
  2. Since 2014 South Korea Total Researchers in Manufacture of Medical and Dental Instruments and Supplies jumped by 14.8% year on year at 3,983.34 Full-Time Equivalent.
  3. In 2019 Germany was number 2 in Total Researchers in Manufacture of Medical and Dental Instruments and Supplies.
  4. In 2019 Poland was number 10 in Total Researchers in Manufacture of Medical and Dental Instruments and Supplies with 338 Full-Time Equivalent, from 11 in 2018.

Top Countries in Total Researchers in Manufacture of Medical and Dental Instruments and Supplies

Source: OECD

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