Total Researchers in Manufacture of Food Products and Beverages

This key economic indicator for the Beverage sector has been recently updated.

  1. Turkey Total Researchers in Manufacture of Food Products and Beverages grew 5% in 2019, compared to a year earlier.
  2. Since 2012 United Kingdom Total Researchers in Manufacture of Food Products and Beverages was up 8.5% year on year attaining 1,883 Full-Time Equivalent.
  3. In 2019 South Korea was number 2 in Total Researchers in Manufacture of Food Products and Beverages.
  4. In 2017 United Kingdom was ranked number 4 in Total Researchers in Manufacture of Food Products and Beverages totalising 1,883 Full-Time Equivalent, from 22 in 2016.

Top Countries in Total Researchers in Manufacture of Food Products and Beverages

Source: OECD

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