
Compare key data on Gambia & United States

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STAT Gambia United States HISTORY
Cost of living > Average monthly disposable salary > After tax $39.37
Ranked 17th.
Ranked 12th. 83 times more than Gambia
Cost of living > Prices at markets > Cigarettes > Pack of Marlboro $1.05
Ranked 16th.
Ranked 34th. 6 times more than Gambia
Crime > Justice system > Punishment > Capital punishment (last execution year) 2,012
Ranked 6th.
Ranked 1st. The same as Gambia
Crime > Violent crime > Gun crime > Guns per 100 residents 0.8
Ranked 149th.
Ranked 1st. 111 times more than Gambia
Crime > Violent crime > Murder rate 176
Ranked 106th.
Ranked 9th. 74 times more than Gambia

Crime > Violent crime > Murders 176
Ranked 106th.
Ranked 9th. 74 times more than Gambia

Education > Compulsary education duration 6
Ranked 162nd.
Ranked 14th. Twice as much as Gambia

Geography > Land area > Square miles 4,361 square miles
Ranked 73th.
3.8 million square miles
Ranked 2nd. 871 times more than Gambia
Health > Births and maternity > Total fertility rate 2.01%
Ranked 25th. 1% more than United States
Ranked 33th.

People > Age distribution > Median age 34.45 years
Ranked 184th.
44.38 years
Ranked 117th. 29% more than Gambia

People > Age distribution > Population aged 0-14 21.52%
Ranked 16th. 29% more than United States
Ranked 62nd.

People > Age distribution > Population aged 15-24 > Percent 14.66%
Ranked 13th. 31% more than United States
Ranked 80th.

People > Population > Population growth, past and future 0.459
Ranked 26th. 4 times more than United States
Ranked 53th.

People > Population growth 0.459%
Ranked 26th. 4 times more than United States
Ranked 53th.

Transport > Road > Motor vehicles per 1000 people 7
Ranked 173th.
Ranked 3rd. 114 times more than Gambia
People > Gender > Female population 4.26 million
Ranked 104th.
231.19 million
Ranked 4th. 54 times more than Gambia

People > Age distribution > Population aged 0-14 > Total 1.81 million
Ranked 96th.
77.19 million
Ranked 4th. 43 times more than Gambia

Agriculture > Rural population 49,815
Ranked 46th. 3 times more than United States
Ranked 170th.

Cost of living > Prices at markets > Water > 1.5 litre bottle $0.84
Ranked 12th.
Ranked 24th. 2 times more than Gambia
Cost of living > Prices at markets > Loaf of bread > Fresh, white $0.17
Ranked 18th.
Ranked 18th. 14 times more than Gambia
People > Age distribution > Total dependency ratio 48.69%
Ranked 196th.
Ranked 93th. 58% more than Gambia

People > Population growth rate 2.7%
Ranked 19th. 3 times more than United States
Ranked 124th.

Cost of living > Basic utilities > Garbage, water, heating, electricity for 85 sqm apartment $318.71
Ranked 1st. 97% more than United States
Ranked 44th.
Agriculture > Agricultural growth 69
Ranked 197th.
Ranked 105th. 55% more than Gambia

People > Age distribution > Population aged 15-24 > Total 1.23 million
Ranked 97th.
51.86 million
Ranked 4th. 42 times more than Gambia

Cost of living > Prices at markets > Milk > 1 litre $1.41
Ranked 15th. 42% more than United States
Ranked 115th.
People > Age distribution > Population aged 60 or over > Percent 16.34%
Ranked 190th.
Ranked 107th. 97% more than Gambia

Cost of living > Clothing and shoe prices > Shoes > Pair of Nikes $44.00
Ranked 17th.
Ranked 114th. 73% more than Gambia
People > Age distribution > Population aged 15-64 > Total 5.67 million
Ranked 101st.
261.45 million
Ranked 4th. 46 times more than Gambia

People > Age distribution > Population aged 0-4 > Total 598,965
Ranked 96th.
25.57 million
Ranked 4th. 43 times more than Gambia

Cost of living > Prices at markets > Egg > Dozen $1.75
Ranked 13th.
Ranked 70th. 27% more than Gambia
Education > College and university > Gender parity index 0.222
Ranked 125th.
Ranked 33th. 6 times more than Gambia

Cost of living > Real estate prices > Rent per month > 3 bedroom apartment > City centre $334.64
Ranked 17th.
Ranked 36th. 5 times more than Gambia
Cost of living > Transport prices > New car > Volkswagen Golf 1.4 or similar $19,000.00
Ranked 13th.
Ranked 99th. 5% more than Gambia
Military > Global Peace Index 2.09
Ranked 70th.
Ranked 4th. 2% more than Gambia

Health > Births and maternity > Future births 122.98
Ranked 94th.
Ranked 4th. 42 times more than Gambia

People > Age distribution > Population aged 15-59 62.13%
Ranked 1st. 22% more than United States
Ranked 99th.

Health > Births and maternity > Average age of mother at childbirth 30.2
Ranked 6th. 8% more than United States
Ranked 18th.

Military > Paramilitary personnel 0.0
Ranked 115th.
Ranked 1st.
People > Urban and rural > Population living in cities proper 42,326
Ranked 6th.
85.41 million
Ranked 2nd. 2018 times more than Gambia

Education > Government spending on education > Proportion of GDP 4.07%
Ranked 7th.
Ranked 39th. 38% more than Gambia

Conflict > Terrorism > Global Terrorism Index 0.0
Ranked 125th.
Ranked 40th.
Education > College and university > Share of total education spending 7.36%
Ranked 16th.
Ranked 26th. 3 times more than Gambia

Health > Life expectancy > Men 58 years
Ranked 55th.
76 years
Ranked 30th. 31% more than Gambia
Media > Television > List of TV stations <p>Gambia Television (GRTS TV) - state-run, single-channel national service</p> <p>ABC - major commercial network</p> </p>CBS - major commercial network</p> </p>NBC - major commercial network</p> <br> <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-16757497">Full Article</a>
People > Age distribution > Population aged 65 or over > Percent 11.22%
Ranked 191st.
Ranked 104th. 2 times more than Gambia

Cost of living > Prices at markets > Rice > White, 1kg $0.55
Ranked 17th.
Ranked 17th. 5 times more than Gambia
Culture > Sexuality > Homosexuality > Legality of homosexual acts Illegal (Penalty: up to 14 years imprisonment) Legal nationwide since 2003. UN decl. sign. See Lawrence v. Texas
Religion > Major religion(s) Islam, Christianity Christianity
Cost of living > Internet > Broadband 6Mpbs, uncapped data $65.62
Ranked 9th. 44% more than United States
Ranked 63th.
Language > Major language(s) English (official), Mandinka, Wolof, Fula English
People > Gender > Male population 4.16 million
Ranked 106th.
230.88 million
Ranked 4th. 56 times more than Gambia

People > Age distribution > Population aged 60 or over > Total 1.38 million
Ranked 125th.
148.96 million
Ranked 3rd. 108 times more than Gambia

Industry > Gross value added by construction 41.48 million
Ranked 189th.
599.29 billion
Ranked 1st. 14448 times more than Gambia

People > Age distribution > Population aged 15-64 67.25%
Ranked 1st. 19% more than United States
Ranked 104th.

Background > Overview <p>The Gambia is one of Africa&#039;s smallest countries and unlike many of its West African neighbours it has enjoyed long spells of stability since independence.</p> <p>President Yahya Jammeh seized power in a bloodless coup in 1994 and has ruled with an iron fist ever since.</p> <p>Stability has not translated into prosperity. Despite the presence of the Gambia river, which runs through the middle of the country, only one-sixth of the land is arable and poor soil quality has led to the predominance of one crop - peanuts. </p><br> <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-13376517">Full Article</a> <p>The USA is the world&#039;s foremost economic and military power, with global interests and an unmatched global reach. </p> <p>America&#039;s gross domestic product accounts for close to a quarter of the world total, and its military budget is reckoned to be almost as much as the rest of the world&#039;s defence spending put together.</p> <p>The country is also a major source of entertainment: American TV, Hollywood films, jazz, blues, rock and rap music are primary ingredients in global popular culture. </p><br> <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-16761057">Full Article</a>
Health > Diseases > Cancer > Cancer death rate (per 100,000 population) 145
Ranked 55th. 9% more than United States
Ranked 86th.
Media > Radio > List of radio stations <p>Radio Gambia - state broadcaster, programmes in English and vernacular languages</p> </p>Radio 1 FM - private, music-based</p> </p>West Coast Radio - private</p> <br> <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-13378353">Full Article</a> <p>NPR (National Public Radio) - non-commercial network of member stations; news, information and cultural programmes</p> </p>Clear Channel - America&#039;s largest commercial radio operator, owns more than 1,200 stations</p> </p>CBS Radio - major commercial operator with nearly 180 stations in major markets</p> <br> <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-16757497">Full Article</a>
Cost of living > Clothing and shoe prices > Jeans > 1 pair of Levi 501s or equivalent $28.00
Ranked 15th.
Ranked 124th. 45% more than Gambia
People > Age distribution > Elderly dependency ratio 16.69%
Ranked 191st.
Ranked 101st. 3 times more than Gambia

Agriculture > Agricultural growth per capita 56 Int. $
Ranked 199th.
100 Int. $
Ranked 93th. 79% more than Gambia

Cost of living > Restaurant prices > McDonalds meal $2.21
Ranked 18th.
Ranked 77th. 3 times more than Gambia
Economy > Development > Human Development Index 0.439
Ranked 163th.
Ranked 3rd. 2 times more than Gambia

People > Age distribution > Population aged 0-4 > Percent 7.11%
Ranked 17th. 28% more than United States
Ranked 57th.

Cost of living > Prices at markets > Chicken breasts > Skinless, boneless $3.90
Ranked 18th.
Ranked 47th. 94% more than Gambia
People > Age distribution > Population aged 65 or over > Total 945,228
Ranked 128th.
123.43 million
Ranked 3rd. 131 times more than Gambia

People > Age distribution > Population aged 15-59 > Total 5.23 million
Ranked 101st.
235.92 million
Ranked 4th. 45 times more than Gambia

Industry > Gross value added by manufacturing 52.42 million
Ranked 180th.
1.99 trillion
Ranked 1st. 38034 times more than Gambia

Cost of living > Prices at markets > Apple > 1kg $2.81
Ranked 6th.
Ranked 19th. 31% more than Gambia
People > Age distribution > Population aged 80 or over > Total 136,099
Ranked 149th.
51.64 million
Ranked 3rd. 379 times more than Gambia

People > Cities > Urban population 50,185
Ranked 178th.
Ranked 54th. 68% more than Gambia

Culture > World Heritage Sites 2
Ranked 78th.
Ranked 24th. 4 times more than Gambia
Health > Deaths > Percent deaths registered <25 90-100
People > Age distribution > Population aged 5-14 > Percent 14.41%
Ranked 15th. 29% more than United States
Ranked 64th.

Religion > Christian > Mormon > Congregations 1
Ranked 143th.
Ranked 1st. 13742 times more than Gambia
Cost of living > Restaurant prices > Restaurant index 22.66
Ranked 18th.
Ranked 39th. 3 times more than Gambia
Cost of living > Prices at markets > Potatoes > 1kg $0.94
Ranked 13th.
Ranked 19th. 3 times more than Gambia
People > Age distribution > Population aged 80 or over > Percent 1.62%
Ranked 193th.
Ranked 93th. 7 times more than Gambia

Education > Child care (preschool) > Duration 4
Ranked 6th. 33% more than United States
Ranked 47th.

Religion > Muslim > Muslim percentage of total population 95.3%
Ranked 25th. 119 times more than United States
Ranked 132nd.
Transport > Gross value added by transport, storage and communication 122.76 million
Ranked 173th.
929.19 billion
Ranked 1st. 7569 times more than Gambia

Health > Births and maternity > Infant mortality rate 49.2
Ranked 34th. 8 times more than United States
Ranked 151st.

Cost of living > Restaurant prices > 3 course meal for 2 $23.00
Ranked 13th.
Ranked 41st. 96% more than Gambia
Culture > Smoking > Cigarettes per adult per year 85
Ranked 163th.
Ranked 51st. 12 times more than Gambia
Environment > Proportion of land area under protection 4.83%
Ranked 169th.
Ranked 111th. 3 times more than Gambia

Health > Life expectancy > Women 60 years
Ranked 58th.
81 years
Ranked 33th. 35% more than Gambia
Economy > Exports > Main exports Peanuts and peanut products, fish, cotton lint, palm kernels Computers and electrical machinery, vehicles, chemical products, food and live animals, military equipment and aircraft
Education > College and university > Private school share 0.0
Ranked 100th.
Ranked 46th.

Language > Linguistic diversity index 0.748
Ranked 42nd. 2 times more than United States
Ranked 114th.

SOURCES: Numbeo.com. Cost of living.; Numbeo.com. Cost of living.; Wikipedia: Capital punishment in Europe (Abolition); Annexe I of the Small Arms Survey 2007 ; United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Source tables; UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Source tables; British Broadcasting Corporation 2014; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; Wikipedia: List of countries by vehicles per capita; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 28 March 2011; Numbeo.com; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2001; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables; cost of living; http://www.visionofhumanity.org/#/page/indexes/global-peace-index, Global Rankings. Vision of Humanity.; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; Wikipedia: List of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel (The list); United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables; UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Source tables; http://www.visionofhumanity.org/sites/default/files/2012_Global_Terrorism_Index_Report.pdf, Institute for Economics and Peace, p. 4 f.; UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; Wikipedia: LGBT rights by country or territory (Central Asia); United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Statistics Division; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; World Health Organization. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; http://data.un.org/Data.aspx?d=FAO&f=itemCode%3a2051, Agriculture (PIN) +; United Nations Development Programme. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; Wikipedia: Table of World Heritage Sites by country (Table of World Heritage Sites); World Health Organization. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; Wikipedia: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in France (Membership Statistics); United Nations Population Division. Source tables; UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Source tables; Wikipedia: Islam by country (Table) ("Muslim Population by Country" . The Future of the Global Muslim Population . Pew Research Center . Retrieved 22 December 2011 .); United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables; Wikipedia: List of countries by cigarette consumption per capita (List); United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables; UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Source tables; Wikipedia: Linguistic diversity index (Rankings by country) (UNESCO World Report – Investing in Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue)


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