Government > Government corruption rating: Countries Compared
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Transparency, accountability, and corruption in the public sector assess the extent to which the executive can be held accountable for its use of funds and for the results of its actions by the electorate and by the legislature and judiciary, and the extent to which public employees within the executive are required to account for administrative decisions, use of resources, and results obtained. The three main dimensions assessed here are the accountability of the executive to oversight institutions and of public employees for their performance, access of civil society to information on public affairs, and state capture by narrow vested interests.".
Interesting observations about Government > Government corruption rating
- Cape Verde ranked first for government corruption rating amongst Sub-Saharan Africa in 2009.
- Nigeria ranked first for government corruption rating amongst Failed states in 2009.
- Saint Lucia ranked first for government corruption rating amongst Hot countries in 2009.
- Benin ranked first for government corruption rating amongst Former French colonies in 2009.
- Afghanistan ranked last for government corruption rating amongst South Asia in 2009.
- Mali ranked first for government corruption rating amongst Muslim countries in 2009.
- Bhutan ranked first for government corruption rating amongst Landlocked countries in 2009.
- India ranked second for government corruption rating amongst South and Central Asia in 2009.
- All of the top 2 countries by government corruption rating are Former British Colonies'.
- Ghana ranked first for government corruption rating amongst Religious countries in 2009.