United States

United States Terrorism Stats


The US battle against terror is no just overseas, it is also within the US itself. The country saw the 14th highest number of terrorist acts committed between 1968 and 2006, with 548 individual acts causing the 2nd highest number of fatalities (3,227) and 4th highest injuries (4,156). The vast majority of fatalities came from the 9/11 event in 2001, for which more than 3,000 recorded victims.


  • 2002 Bali bombings > Deaths: Bali bombings on October 12, 2002
  • 2002 Bali bombings > Deaths per million: Bali bombings on October 12, 2002. Figures expressed per million population for the same year.
  • Convention on hostages: Date of adoption of the United Nations International Convention Against the Taking of Hostages, adopted by the General Assembly on 17 December 1979
  • Global Terrorism Indicator: Table 4: Description of the Global Terrorism Indicator Level General Category Description (TERROR) 5 Greater than 1000 deaths 4 Greater than 200 and less than or equal to 1000 deaths 3 Greater than 100 and less than or equal to 200 deaths 2 Greater than 20 and less than or equal to 100 deaths 1 Less than or equal to 20 deaths 0 No deaths or incidents recorded
  • Number of Known Terrorist Organizations Present: Title 22 of the US Code, Section 2656f, which requires the Department of State to provide an annual report to Congress on terrorism, requires the report to include, inter alia, information on terrorist groups and umbrella groups under which any terrorist group falls, known to be responsible for the kidnapping or death of any US citizen during the preceding five years; groups known to be financed by state sponsors of terrorism about which Congress was notified during the past year in accordance with Section 6(j) of the Export Administration Act; and any other known international terrorist group that the Secretary of State determined should be the subject of the report. The list of designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) below is followed by a list of other selected terrorist groups also deemed of relevance in the global war on terrorism. Does not include US domestic groups.
  • Number of Known Terrorist Organizations Present per million: Title 22 of the US Code, Section 2656f, which requires the Department of State to provide an annual report to Congress on terrorism, requires the report to include, inter alia, information on terrorist groups and umbrella groups under which any terrorist group falls, known to be responsible for the kidnapping or death of any US citizen during the preceding five years; groups known to be financed by state sponsors of terrorism about which Congress was notified during the past year in accordance with Section 6(j) of the Export Administration Act; and any other known international terrorist group that the Secretary of State determined should be the subject of the report. The list of designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) below is followed by a list of other selected terrorist groups also deemed of relevance in the global war on terrorism. Does not include US domestic groups. Figures expressed per million population for the same year.
  • Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Deaths to incidences ratio: Number of deaths per terrorist act for the period 1968-2006. NOTE: Germany incudes both East and West, as well as united Germany. Ratio for Chechnya is 1.59; Ratio for Kashmir is 1.54; Ratio for Northern Ireland is .103. West Bank includes Gaza Strip.
  • Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Fatalities: Terrorist Incidents by country from 1968 to 2006. Data for 1968-1997 covers only international incidents.Data for 1998-Present covers both domestic and international incidents. NOTE: Data for Chechnya: 232 incidences; 777 injuries; 371 fatalities. Data for Czechoslovakia: 2 incidences; 1 injury. Data for Kosovo alone: 130 incidences; 127 injuries; 51 fatalities. Data for Montenegro alone: 13 incidences; 1 fatality. Data for Northern Ireland: 696 incidences; 214 injuries; 72 fatalities. Data for Federal Republic of Germany: 459 incidences; 697 injuries; 93 fatalities. Data for German Democratic Republic: 6 incidences; 10 injuries; 1 fatality. German totals above invlude the Federal Republic and the Democratic Republic, as well as Germany from 1990. Benin incudes incidences which happened under the name Dahomey. Namibia incudes incidences which happened under the name SWAf. Data for Democratic Republic of Congo includes incidences which happened under the name Zaire and Belgian Congo. Zimbabwe incudes incidences which happened under the name Rhodesia. Data for Western Sahara: 3 incidences; 3 injuries; 9 fatalities. Data for Transkei: 1 incidence. Data for Kashmir: 947 incidences; 2340 injuries; 1467 fatalities. West Bank includes the Gaza Strip.
  • Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Fatalities per million: Terrorist Incidents by country from 1968 to 2006. Data for 1968-1997 covers only international incidents.Data for 1998-Present covers both domestic and international incidents. NOTE: Data for Chechnya: 232 incidences; 777 injuries; 371 fatalities. Data for Czechoslovakia: 2 incidences; 1 injury. Data for Kosovo alone: 130 incidences; 127 injuries; 51 fatalities. Data for Montenegro alone: 13 incidences; 1 fatality. Data for Northern Ireland: 696 incidences; 214 injuries; 72 fatalities. Data for Federal Republic of Germany: 459 incidences; 697 injuries; 93 fatalities. Data for German Democratic Republic: 6 incidences; 10 injuries; 1 fatality. German totals above invlude the Federal Republic and the Democratic Republic, as well as Germany from 1990. Benin incudes incidences which happened under the name Dahomey. Namibia incudes incidences which happened under the name SWAf. Data for Democratic Republic of Congo includes incidences which happened under the name Zaire and Belgian Congo. Zimbabwe incudes incidences which happened under the name Rhodesia. Data for Western Sahara: 3 incidences; 3 injuries; 9 fatalities. Data for Transkei: 1 incidence. Data for Kashmir: 947 incidences; 2340 injuries; 1467 fatalities. West Bank includes the Gaza Strip. Figures expressed per million population for the same year.
  • Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Incidences: Terrorist Incidents by country from 1968 to 2006. Data for 1968-1997 covers only international incidents. Data for 1998-Present covers both domestic and international incidents. NOTE: Data for Chechnya: 232 incidences; 777 injuries; 371 fatalities. Data for Czechoslovakia: 2 incidences; 1 injury. Data for Kosovo alone: 130 incidences; 127 injuries; 51 fatalities. Data for Montenegro alone: 13 incidences; 1 fatality. Data for Northern Ireland: 696 incidences; 214 injuries; 72 fatalities. Data for Federal Republic of Germany: 459 incidences; 697 injuries; 93 fatalities. Data for German Democratic Republic: 6 incidences; 10 injuries; 1 fatality. German totals above invlude the Federal Republic and the Democratic Republic, as well as Germany from 1990. Benin incudes incidences which happened under the name Dahomey. Namibia incudes incidences which happened under the name SWAf. Data for Democratic Republic of Congo includes incidences which happened under the name Zaire and Belgian Congo. Zimbabwe incudes incidences which happened under the name Rhodesia. Data for Western Sahara: 3 incidences; 3 injuries; 9 fatalities. Data for Transkei: 1 incidence.
  • Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Fatalities: Terrorist acts by country from 2000 to 2006. Data for 1998-Present covers both domestic and international incidents. NOTE: Data for Chechnya: 220 incidences; 768 injuries; 362 fatalities. Data for Kosovo alone: 58 incidences; 80 injuries; 19 fatalities. Data for Montenegro alone: 6 incidences; 1 fatality. Data for Northern Ireland: 561 incidences; 105 injuries; 17 fatalities. Data for Kashmir: 920 incidences; 2208 injuries; 1236 fatalities.
  • Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Incidences: Terrorist acts by country from 2000 to 2006. Data for 1998-Present covers both domestic and international incidents. NOTE: Data for Chechnya: 220 incidences; 768 injuries; 362 fatalities. Data for Kosovo alone: 58 incidences; 80 injuries; 19 fatalities. Data for Montenegro alone: 6 incidences; 1 fatality. Data for Northern Ireland: 561 incidences; 105 injuries; 17 fatalities. Data for Kashmir: 920 incidences; 2208 injuries; 1236 fatalities.
  • Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Injuries per million: Terrorist acts by country from 2000 to 2006. Data for 1998-Present covers both domestic and international incidents. NOTE: Data for Chechnya: 220 incidences; 768 injuries; 362 fatalities. Data for Kosovo alone: 58 incidences; 80 injuries; 19 fatalities. Data for Montenegro alone: 6 incidences; 1 fatality. Data for Northern Ireland: 561 incidences; 105 injuries; 17 fatalities. Data for Kashmir: 920 incidences; 2208 injuries; 1236 fatalities. Figures expressed per million population for the same year.
  • Victims of the September 11th 2001 attacks: Victims of the attacks on September 11 2001 by known foreign citizenship and known country. NOTE: this list is not considered a total for all victims of 9-11, as in many cases the reported country of residence differed from citizenship, though both reports are included in this study. The likelihood is that there are approximatley 127 fewer victims from the US on this graph, as they were not US citizens at the time. The totals as of 9-11 2005 are: Confirmed Dead - 2948; Reported Dead - 24; Reported Missing - 24. Total: 2996.
  • Victims of the September 11th 2001 attacks per million: Victims of the attacks on September 11 2001 by known foreign citizenship and known country. NOTE: this list is not considered a total for all victims of 9-11, as in many cases the reported country of residence differed from citizenship, though both reports are included in this study. The likelihood is that there are approximatley 127 fewer victims from the US on this graph, as they were not US citizens at the time. The totals as of 9-11 2005 are: Confirmed Dead - 2948; Reported Dead - 24; Reported Missing - 24. Total: 2996. Figures expressed per million population for the same year.
2002 Bali bombings > Deaths 7 2002 4th out of 21
2002 Bali bombings > Deaths per million 0.0243 2002 18th out of 21
Convention on hostages 7 December 1984(R) 1979
Global Terrorism Indicator 3 2002 28th out of 159
Number of Known Terrorist Organizations Present 1 2005 51st out of 56
Number of Known Terrorist Organizations Present per million 0.00338 2005 55th out of 56
Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Deaths to incidences ratio 5.89 Deaths per act 2006 8th out of 161
Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Fatalities 3,227 2006 2nd out of 160
Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Fatalities per million 10.82 2006 22nd out of 152
Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Incidences 548 2006 14th out of 164
Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Fatalities 2,990 2006 2nd out of 109
Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Incidences 98 2006 20th out of 111
Terrorist Acts > 2000-2006 > Injuries per million 8 2006 24th out of 108
Victims of the September 11th 2001 attacks 2,902 2001 1st out of 41
Victims of the September 11th 2001 attacks per million 10.18 2001 2nd out of 40

SOURCES: Wikipedia: 2002 Bali bombings; Wikipedia: 2002 Bali bombings. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; Center for Nonproliferation Studies; GLOBAL TERRORISM: AN OVERVIEW AND ANALYSIS Monty G. Marshall INSCR Integrated Network for Societal Conflict Research CIDCM Center for International Development and Conflict Management University of Maryland, College Park and the Center for Systemic Peace Draft: September 11, 2002; http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/45313.pdf US Department of State Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism Country Reports on Terrorism 2004 April 2005 Department of State Publication 11248 Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism Printed in Multi-Media Services Released April 2005; http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/45313.pdf US Department of State Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism Country Reports on Terrorism 2004 April 2005 Department of State Publication 11248 Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism Printed in Multi-Media Services Released April 2005. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; Computed by NationMaster. Data from MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Database; MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base; MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; September 11th, 2001 Victims, website memorial, last update - Sept. 21, 2002.; September 11th, 2001 Victims, website memorial, last update - Sept. 21, 2002. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.


United States Terrorism Profiles (Subcategories)

2002 Bali bombings 4 Terrorist Acts 13

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