Environment > Forest area > Sq. km: Countries Compared
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- Forest area
- Sq. km
Forest area is land under natural or planted stands of trees, whether productive or not.
Interesting observations about Environment > Forest area > Sq. km
- Brazil ranked first for forest area > sq. km amongst Hot countries in 2005.
- Russia ranked first for forest area > sq. km globally in 2005.
- Indonesia ranked first for forest area > sq. km amongst Muslim countries in 2005.
- Canada ranked first for forest area > sq. km amongst Former British colonies in 2005.
- United States ranked third for forest area > sq. km amongst Christian countries in 2005.
- China ranked first for forest area > sq. km amongst East Asia and Pacific in 2005.
- Sweden ranked first for forest area > sq. km amongst European Union in 2005.
- Democratic Republic of the Congo ranked first for forest area > sq. km amongst Sub-Saharan Africa in 2005.
- Bolivia ranked first for forest area > sq. km amongst Landlocked countries in 2005.
- Peru ranked second for forest area > sq. km amongst Catholic countries in 2005.