Energy > Usage per person: Countries Compared
Total primary energy supply TOE (tonnes of oil equivalent) per person (Year 2000).
Regarding world figures, the world consumes around 100.000 TWh year (EIA figures), equivalent close to 10.000, 1 Mtoe is equal to 10 MWh, not KWh as the Petroleum Engineers Society.
From another póint of view, the World Energy Council estimates in close to 900.000 Mtoe the fossil energy reserves which combined with 10.000 Mtoe of yearly consumption give us less thanh 100 years to do something with our fossil consumption.
Anyway, hope to help a little.
Multiplying by 43 MJ per kilogram and dividing by seconds per year, gives a conversion factor of 1.36 kW = 1 TOE/a. Thus total power per person is:
11.39 kW UnitedStates
11.13 kW Canada
8.73 kW Finland
7.88 kW Belgium
7.79 kW Australia
7.77 kW Sweden
7.77 kW Norway
6.63 kW NewZealand
6.49 kW Netherlands
5.79 kW France
5.63 kW Japan
5.63 kW Germany
5.30 kW UnitedKingdom
5.26 kW Ireland
5.05 kW Switzerland
4.96 kW Denmark
4.80 kW Austria
4.05 kW Italy
What is the TOE per person based on ?
I hope I am correct in assuming the statistic is based on one year per person, but I'd like to be assured of this.