Education > Student attitude > Find school boring: Countries Compared
The percentage of students who find school boring may have less to do with the relative dullness of classroom instruction and/or teachers in a given country than with the degree to which students answering surveys feel free to give honest opinions. <p>However, since six of the top 10 countries in terms of students finding school boring are English-speaking, one could draw the conclusion that English-speaking people are easily bored, or that teachers in English-speaking countries are boring. <p>But a survey conducted by the U.K. Teacher Training Agency may hold the secret for that country, at least. Thirty percent of people entering the teaching profession are over 30. Nearly a quarter of the U.K.’s new math teachers who worked in a different profession before were either in banking or accountancy. One in six science teachers were either scientists or pharmacists. Fifteen percent of modern language teachers were previously in sales. (see,5500,1402391,00.html)