Economy > Population below poverty line: Countries Compared
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- Population below poverty line

Author: Ian Graham, Staff Editor
Interesting observations about Economy > Population below poverty line
- All of the top 9 countries by population below poverty line are Hot countries.
- All of the top 2 countries by population below poverty line are Christian.
- 11 of the top 13 countries by population below poverty line are Sub-Saharan African.
- Taiwan has ranked last for population below poverty line since 2000.
- Haiti has had the highest population below poverty line since 2002.
- Nigeria has ranked in the top 2 for population below poverty line since 2000.
- Zambia has ranked in the top 3 for population below poverty line since 1993.
- 6 of the top 13 countries by population below poverty line are Landlocked.
- Mexico ranked first for population below poverty line amongst Emerging markets in 2013.
It is a huge generalization to say that taxation is high in New Zealand due to many people on the dole. The unemployment rate in New Zealand is 6%. Considering the global economic crisis, this is not that high. Taxes are necessary to pay for public services, like health, education, infrastructure etc, not just social security.
Posted on 21 Jul 2010

Posted on 09 Mar 2005

Ian Graham, Staff Editor
Posted on 15 Apr 2005

Ian Graham, Staff Editor
<p>According to the Canadian council on social development, 16.2% of Canadians are living below the poverty line Including 14.6% of men and 17.7% of women. Those most affected by poverty include female-led sole parent families and single elderly people. One quarter of those living in poverty are children under 18 years of age. </p>
<p>Canada has no official definition of poverty with different organisations using different definitions. Poverty definitions include:
<li>Households which spend 20 percentage points more of their income on Food, clothing and shelter than the average Canadian household. If the average Canadian household spends 50% of its income on these essentials, those who spend 70% or more are considered to be poor. </li>
<li>Statistics Canada low income measures.</li>
<li>The Cost of Living Guidelines developed by the Social Planning Council of B.C.</li>
<p>Further information on poverty in Canada can be found on the <a href=>Canadian council on social development</a> web page.</p>
Posted on 07 Jun 2005

Edria Murray, Staff Editor
Posted on 20 Apr 2005

Suchita Vemuri, Staff Editor
Posted on 06 Mar 2005

Suchita Vemuri, Staff Editor
Posted on 06 Mar 2005

Suchita Vemuri, Staff Editor
Posted on 06 Mar 2005

Suchita Vemuri, Staff Editor
Posted on 06 Mar 2005

Suchita Vemuri, Staff Editor
Criteria for assessment of poverty levels vary between nations, and statistics are not strictly comparable. However, the UNDP also has an incomplete list of populations with income levels below <a href=/graph/eco_pov_sha_of_all_poo_peo&int=-1>USD1</a> and USD2; but many nations either do not have this information or are reluctant to part with the estimates because of the politically sensitive nature of the data.
While Singapore and Barbados rank 6 and 1, respectively, on the HPI, do not have any citizens earning less than USD 1 or USD2, while Costa Rica, which ranks 4 on the HPI, has 22% living below the nationally defined poverty line, 9.5% earning less than USD2 and 2% less than USD1.
Posted on 21 Jan 2005

Suchita Vemuri, Staff Editor
Posted on 17 Jul 2010

Posted on 09 Jul 2010

Charles King
Posted on 26 Jun 2010

Where are more current numbers
Posted on 09 Jun 2010

katie davis
Staff Editor
9th March 2005 The official United States government poverty guidelines for 2005 (see set the poverty level at US$9,570 for a single person in the lower 48 states and Washington, D.C. For each additional person, US$3,260 is added to the general poverty threshold. So the poverty level for a family of four would be US$19,350.
The minimum wage in the United States is US$5.15 an hour, which means that a family of four with both parents working full-time minimum-wage jobs would earn US$21,424 per year (assuming 40 hours worked per week).
The U.S. poverty threshold is greater than the GDP per capita in many other countries, but this doesn’t mean it's better to be poor in America than average somewhere else. Prices for the same goods vary greatly from country to country. To get an idea of where one country’s poor stand in relation to another’s, comparisons would have to be made in purchasing power parity.
Posted on 10 May 2010

Posted on 11 Apr 2010

I am doing a speech in school on world poverty. I know that China does not share their economical status to others because they think that people will figure out secrets about their corrupt government. So, how do you know that these statistics on certain corrupt countries are true? My email is If you can answer my question, that would be great!
Thank You,
Esther Seim (12 years old)
Posted on 02 Mar 2010

Posted on 18 Sep 2009

Andy TOwler
I'm sure that "poor" in Liberia doesn't earn as much as "poor" in Taiwan. Even proprtionality may some times decieving.
Posted on 26 Aug 2009

Posted on 26 May 2009
