Crime > Sentence Length: Countries Compared
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Author: Ian Graham, Staff Editor
Do long prison sentences deter criminals or are they an indication of a severe crime problem? <p>Colombia has the longest average prison sentence length, at 137 years. It also leads the world in kidnappings (total, per $ GDP and per capita), murders per capita, mortality due to assaults by explosive material(total and per capita), mortality due to assaults by other and unspecified firearm discharge per capita, and mortality due to assaults by sharp objects per capita. <p>Colombia is second for murders with firearms (total and per capita) and third for total murders. It is also in the top five for mortality due to assault in 18 of the 22 recorded categories.
Interesting observations about Crime > Sentence Length
- Romania ranked first for sentence length amongst NATO countries in 2002.
- Australia ranked first for sentence length amongst Non-religious countries in 2002.
- Finland ranked first for sentence length amongst High income OECD countries in 2002.
- Canada ranked last for sentence length amongst Group of 7 countries (G7) in 2002.
- Netherlands ranked second last for sentence length amongst European Union in 2002.
- United States ranked third for sentence length amongst English speaking countries in 2002.
- Denmark ranked last for sentence length amongst Europe in 2002.
- Ukraine ranked last for sentence length amongst Emerging markets in 2002.
- 3 of the top 4 countries by sentence length are Christian.
- 2 of the top 3 countries by sentence length are Hot countries.
Posted on 23 Mar 2005

Ian Graham, Staff Editor