Crime > Prisoners > Foreign prisoners: Countries Compared
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Author: Ian Graham, Staff Editor
Why is Andorra throwing so many foreigners into its prisons? Is there a smuggling problem? Are legions of tourists flagrantly breaking the law? It seems doubtful. <p>Though almost 84 percent of the inmates of the country’s prisons are foreigners, that translates into a mere 51 people, since there are only 61 prisoners in Andorra. <p>Besides, a large proportion of Andorra’s residents are foreign (Spanish nationals make up more than 40 percent of the population). It is estimated that there are more than 4,000 immigrants without work or residence permits in Andorra, because the government immigration quotas are much lower than the number of available jobs. So it’s likely that many of the foreign prisoners are Spanish or facing immigration-related charges or both.
Prisoners who are foreign nationals, expressed as a percentage share of total prison population. Data for 2003.
Interesting observations about Crime > Prisoners > Foreign prisoners
- Luxembourg ranked first for prisoners > foreign prisoners amongst European Union in 2003.
- Andorra ranked first for prisoners > foreign prisoners amongst Europe in 2003.
- Switzerland ranked first for prisoners > foreign prisoners amongst High income OECD countries in 2003.
- Malaysia ranked first for prisoners > foreign prisoners amongst Emerging markets in 2003.
- Greece ranked second for prisoners > foreign prisoners amongst NATO countries in 2003.
- United States ranked last for prisoners > foreign prisoners amongst Group of 7 countries (G7) in 2003.
- France ranked 6th last for prisoners > foreign prisoners amongst Eurozone in 2003.
- Cyprus ranked first for prisoners > foreign prisoners amongst Heavily indebted countries in 2003.
- China ranked last for prisoners > foreign prisoners amongst Cold countries in 2003.
- Slovenia ranked first for prisoners > foreign prisoners amongst Eastern Europe in 2003.
Posted on 23 Mar 2005

Ian Graham, Staff Editor