Turks and Caicos Islands Transport Stats
- Airports: Total number of airports. Runways must be useable, but may be unpaved. May not have facilities for refuelling, maintenance, or air traffic control.
- Airports > Per capita: Total number of airports. Runways must be useable, but may be unpaved. May not have facilities for refuelling, maintenance, or air traffic control. Per capita figures expressed per 1 million population.
- Airports > With paved runways > Total: Total number of airports with paved runways (concrete or asphalt surfaces)
- Airports > With unpaved runways > Total: Total number of airports with useable unpaved runways (grass, dirt, sand, or gravel surfaces)
- Airports per million: Total number of airports. Runways must be useable, but may be unpaved. May not have facilities for refuelling, maintenance, or air traffic control. Figures expressed per million population for the same year.
- Gross value added by transport, storage and communication: Gross Value Added by Kind of Economic Activity at current prices - US dollars.
- Gross value added by transport, storage and communication per capita: Gross Value Added by Kind of Economic Activity at current prices - US dollars. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
- Highways > Paved: total length of the paved parts of the highway system
- Highways > Total: total length of the highway system
- Ports and terminals: This entry lists major ports and terminals primarily on the basis of the amount of cargo tonnage shipped through the facilities on an annual basis. In some instances, the number of containers handled or ship visits were also considered.
- Road network length > Km: Length of road network in kilometers in European Union countries.
- Roadways > Paved: This entry is derived from Transport > Roadways, which gives the total length of the road network and includes the length of the paved and unpaved portions.
- Roadways > Paved per thousand people: This entry is derived from Transport > Roadways, which gives the total length of the road network and includes the length of the paved and unpaved portions. Figures expressed per thousand people for the same year.
- Roadways > Total: This entry gives the total length of the road network and includes the length of the paved and unpaved portions.
- Roadways > Unpaved: This entry gives the total length of the road network and includes the length of the paved and unpaved portions.
SOURCES: CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 28 March 2011; CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 28 March 2011. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; United Nations Statistics Division; United Nations Statistics Division. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; CIA World Factbooks 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013; CIA World Factbooks 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.
- Turks and Caicos Islands ranked first for airports > with paved runways > total per million globally in 2010.
- Turks and Caicos Islands ranked second for airports per million amongst Tourist destinations in 2010.
- Turks and Caicos Islands ranked second for airports amongst UK and its territories in 2013.