Crime > Rape rate: Countries Compared
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- Rape rate
Number of rape incidents per 100,000 citizens in different countries. Figures do not take into account rape incidents that go unreported to the police.
Interesting observations about Crime > Rape rate
- South Africa has had the highest rape rate since 2004.
- Sweden ranked first for rape rate amongst European Union in 2010.
- All of the top 3 countries by rape rate are Sub-Saharan African.
- Belgium ranked first for rape rate amongst NATO countries in 2010.
- Australia ranked second for rape rate amongst High income OECD countries in 2010.
- All of the top 6 countries by rape rate are Christian.
- United States ranked third for rape rate amongst Cold countries in 2010.
- France ranked second for rape rate amongst Eurozone in 2009.
- Iceland ranked third for rape rate amongst Europe in 2009.
- Moldova ranked first for rape rate amongst Eastern Europe in 2010.